Thursday, June 16, 2011

Excuses are like.... well...

you know- everybody has one...

Yesterday was a Big Ol' Excuse day for me! I will just give you a glimpse into what I was thinking- then you can all think stuff like "wow- she's part crazy" but I know you all will really be like "yup I do the same thing" and then you will all be like "I totally see her point and those aren't really excuses because they are real reasons"

1st yesterday's plan was:

- Grilled chicken and asparagus for dinner

- and I set my day to go to the gym after a 9-10 presentation

Soooo- the presentation ran over- and my Ipod wasn't fully charged- and I had another presentation at 1:00-

New plan- charge Ipod then go to the gym at 2-

Well if I go at 2- then by the time I get home at 3:30ish- that takes up too much of my work day- so- let's just work and then go to class at gym at 4:30.

I even call hubs to confirm that he won't be leaving work until about 4:30- so he won't be home until 5:30- same time as me- and then we can cook dinner and hang.

I call hubs at 4:00 ON MY WAY to the gym- pulling out of the neighborhood- and he has left work!!


we have agreed already-

ugh- well I can't go to the gym and you be coming home... that just won't work.

U-turn. back to the house.

hmmmm.... well now- I haven't left the house all day. (well ok- so I left- but didn't even make it out of the neighborhood- so it doesn't count)

I make the executive decision- to change clothes and meet hubs out for dinner. I mean- since I haven't been out of the house, and I have bunko on Thursday- which would mean that we didn't get our "every other Thurs. night out to dinner" done-

And I can miss one day at the gym right? I mean- I am still sore from Tuesdays butt kicking.

Basically I wore workout clothes all day long- and never made it to the gym. But did make it out for pizza, wings, and beer- oh and spending time with hubs.

remember- these are all very valid real  reasons NOT excuses.... right.


See I told you.


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