Sunday, May 29, 2011

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  • t-man
    Apr 25, 08:16 PM
    Fake. Display looks like paper / printed.

    What makes me totally sceptical about this is that the icons on the screen appear wider than they are tall. The square icons on an iPhone, with the phone angled as it is in the photo, should appear taller than they are wide. The inevitable conclusion is that the photo has been stretched horizontally.

    And another thing ... the screen in this pic could hardly be described as "edge to edge".

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  • RMo
    Apr 5, 08:53 PM
    actually I downloaded it long ago!
    Considering it was released on April 5 (that's today), you either:

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  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 08:35 AM
    You see, this is my point. Zero criticism. Steve Jobs ***** on a stage and you all gather around to share the love.

    If it's an iPod first then why's it got such ****** capacity? Why's it called the iPhone? Seriously, are you a genuine music producer that's happy to walk around with just 8 gigs worth of music?

    I don't carry around a 400 gig seagate hard drive - I carry around a 60 gig iPod because it does a great job. I don't have whatever phone you were talking about because I don't need a phone with a crappy mp3 player - I have an iPod. I'm guessing the price you quote is without a contract too.

    This thing costs so much because Jobs knows you people will buy anything he tells you to. Seriously people, is it so bad to question things?

    Revolution? Tell me when it starts.

    As a genuine music producer I have more than enough devices to listen to music on. I actually, don't like the quality of mp3s/aacs.. whatever. You do realize how slim the phone is right? Oh.. yes, its an ipod, and a phone.. and a fully functional internet device.

    The point here is not that people can question something.. it's that people automatically attack a product without even realizing that it's the best out there. And I don't automatically praise every Apple product there is. If something is worth the praise, then yes, it's called for.. and rightly so.

    Rather, the people who post 'what? its only got 8 gb? pffft.. its only got safari? pfft.. photo management? bah humbug.. quad gsm? crap.. 2 megapixel cam? not impressed'

    I want YOU to come up with the phone of your dreams, keep it slim so it looks like a phone and not a Palm Treo piece of rock.. and make it priced comparable to other phones.. or rather, a little lower than the other high-end phones out there. I swear, everyone here obviously has the skills to manufacture a high-end phone out of their a$$.

    COMPARE this phone to the other high-end phones.. and THEN talk. I did buy fancy phones.. Palm Treos were a nightmare. I hate Motorola's UI.. Sony Ericsson and Nokia were the only functional phones. But I saw the iPhone's UI.. features, etc.. and the price is right. I'm not buying the iphone simply because it's an apple product. If sony had made a phone like this.. I would have bought it as well.

    With every popular product.. or creative company.. comes along a bunch of retards who think every other brand out there is better. I will forever be grateful to OS X simply because of the productivity it provides, which is good for me and my career. A phone with OS X and features comparable to other top notch phones (and better)? I'm sold.

    And by the way.. this is MACrumors. Yes, we mac addicts do share the love. I'm getting the feeling that people who can't afford this stuff.. seem to do the most whining and bit@ching, and find every possible flaw there is.

    I prefer that technology to be made larger and turned into... anti crash aircraft, aircraft that flies on anti gravity and by definition will never crash.

    A bunch of floating speakers, who cares! Noise pollution man!

    Um, my point in the first place was that people would say "Wow.. how the hell did they manage to make speakers that float in the air" .. as in a physical feat that is impossible to achieve. I'm sure if I saw something levitate.. for e.g. speakers.. or for your sake.. anti-crash aircraft.. I wouldn't say 'EW'

    This is a discussion related to phones.. and the ipod combo.. and hence that example.

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  • fivepoint
    Mar 4, 12:28 PM
    Personally, I find the comparisons of teachers' pay with an 'average private sector employee's pay' downright useless. You're not comparing apples to apples. Do they have the same degree? Is there the same demand/supply of employees? Teachers aren't making 'too much' (compensation should be based on quality of work, value added to society, supply/demand, etc.)... some are making too much, some are making too little. The problem is that its'a an idiotic one-size-fits-all system in which many of them feel 'entitled' to their jobs, entitled to their benefits, entitled to their unions, entitled to their collective bargaining, entitled to their tenure. It's BS. You aren't entitled to anything except for compensation based on how well you do your job.


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  • psycoswimmer
    Jan 9, 02:00 PM
    Wow, so much for the spoiler free link. I just checked the page and saw WHAT THEY ANNOUNCED in some kind of news ticker!!!!!!!

    Maybe next year.

    :mad: I just refreshed before you said that and I saw that too. Ah, well. We don't know any details so the wait isn't completely lost.

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  • KnightWRX
    Mar 25, 06:21 AM
    Happy BD keynote?!

    They didn't even put up a small square on their Mac sub-page.

    I do hope OS X still has a good 10 years in front of it. The best of both worlds for Unix people.


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  • demallien
    Oct 6, 07:55 AM
    How so. Please elaborate?

    The decryption keys are everywhere and not top secret. Each iPod and iTunes has access to them. If you can get your hands on them you have something like hymn or FairKeys. Where does one get the encryption key?

    EDIT: BTW I'm quite serious, if I got it wrong please help me understand where you're coming from.


    No, you are WAAAAY off base.

    The encryption key is public, the decryption key is private. The decryption key used in iTunes is hidden away to the very best of Apple's ability from the eyes of prying hackers. (at least, one assumes so - it's illegal for me to even try and confirm that.... thanks DCMA)

    If I want to exchange confidential information with someone, I am going to need their public key. They can send this to me unencrypted (normally as part of a "certificate" to prove who they are at the same time...). I then use this key to encrypt the secret message, and send the encrypted message to them. They in turn can decrypt this message by using their private key....

    Normally, the messages exchanged in this manner are actually symmetric keys (keys that can be used for encrypting and decypting a message). This is certainly the case for iTunes, which uses AES, a symmetric encryption system to encode it's media files.

    Contrary to what you seem to think, the keys in iTunes are not freely available. Both the private assymetric key, used to communicate with the server (to obtain the symmetric keys) and all of the symmetric keys, used to decrypt the actual media files, are hidden inside iTunes. Try looking for them on your harddrive, I promise you that you won't find them (unless you are an expert pirate with a few months of your time where you have nothing better to do....)

    BTW, that article that you linked earlier about FairPlay has internal consistency problems. If what it says about retrieving keys from the Apple Store is correct, then what it says about VLC can NOT be correct. one or the other is wrong. My money is on the info about retreiving keys is wrong. I do this stuff for a living, and it's certainly NOT how I would do it....

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  • geoffism
    Jan 9, 11:55 AM
    i expect a new iphone(yes i do).the current iphone i think sucks i rather buy a nokia/sony ericson....

    really? do you have one or is this from a distance opinion? Asking, because I am on the verge...


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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 2, 06:53 AM
    Loosing Denmark, or Norway or both, doesn't matter one bit. It is a courtesy that Apple even allowed these small and meaningless countries to join in on the fun.
    Since you claim you work in Denmark, you should know Denmark, as well as Sweden, is a part of European Union (EU). If you had done your homework, you should also know that EU implies that all non-nation specific laws should be idential for all countries in EU (very much the same as in US). That is, if the French and the scandinavians find that Apples DRM violates consumer rights, it has a very good chance to become accepted all over EU. Furthermore, since EU has about 460 million people whereas US only have 296 milion people, it should according to your argumentation about minor markets imply that Apple rather should dump the US market than the european market. :rolleyes:
    You should know by now that a company sole purpose is to make money for the shareholders, and nothing else. I very much doubt that board of Apple or its partners even would consider dumping a close to half a billion potential customers.

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  • skellener
    Mar 24, 06:24 PM
    Happy Birthday NeXTSTEP!!! ;)


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  • Flowbee
    Nov 16, 01:09 PM
    please no page 1 vs page 2 comments... :)

    OK... This should be on page 3. :p

    [Damn you, longofest!]

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 16, 06:27 PM
    Ahhhh.... dude... the only Apps that don't really get approved are ones that do things that can cause security risks or just plain trying to steal your information.

    Disclaimer: I am NOT directing this comment at you Popeye, it's just a comment :)

    This crap about the only apps that don't get approved is a bunch of BS.

    Steve Jobs wants you (using the word "you" generically) to believe this load of cow dung.

    The truth is, that the only apps approved are the ones that have been looked at with a magnifying glass to be sure there isn't anything that Apple does not like. They make all decisions for their users (which includes me).

    So... I'm not bashing Apple, I'm a huge Apple customer of many years and have spent tens of thousands of dollars with them.

    I know Apple well and I am simply sharing my viewpoint.

    That's it. Nothing sinister on my part.

    I neither love them or hate them. It is what it is.


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  • tigress666
    May 3, 02:03 PM
    I'm fine with the cell companies charging more for tethering. I'm also fine with them doing tiered data plans. Either one of those is okay in my book. Doing both, however, is robbery.

    I agree with this. AT&T at least got a little better once Verizon got the iphone by offering additional GB for the extra charge they charged for tethering so at least you actually got something for that extra money (vs. being ripped off for being charged to use the data you already paid for).

    But overall, if you are paying for the actual data (paying for a set amount), it should not matter how you use it. But I could see on a "all you can eat" plan where it would matter how you use it cause some ways you'd end up using it a lot more than they planned for (basically I think it is fair in an all you can eat style plan, food or data ;), to specify rules on what you can do. I mean even in all you can eat buffets they have rules like no taking home food or you're only allowed there for an hour or you have to eat everything and not just pick out stuff otherwise it is too easily abused to the point that they wouldn't make a profit. It is the same way with data use).

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  • Rodimus Prime
    May 4, 11:54 AM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    Well seeing how in 6 pages I have yet to see the logical answer to this I will give it.

    It is because it shows the US carries are cracking down on tethering and going after them.
    Now there is still an easy way to get said apps threw market with out sideload.
    Put your phone in airplane mode. Then turn on wifi and boom full market access while in airplane mode.


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  • grmatt
    Apr 6, 07:36 AM
    A few hundred advertising majors will download this app, and that's it.

    I wish we could see the number of apps sold. I'd be willing to bet that this app will get over 10,000 downloads within a few months.

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  • BlueRevolution
    Oct 29, 12:32 AM
    I've never understood people who adopt this argument. You're essentially saying that, because a few folks think piracy is free advertising, Apple should give up all its intellectual property and copyrights. It would be like me spending money on a Lamborghini and then handing the keys to random strangers in the hopes they'd return it the next morning to encourage them to buy one of their own. Get real!

    Again with the physical example fallacy. We're talking about information here. It has no intrinsic value. This means that if I steal it, you still have it. It's not like a Lamborghini. What it IS like is me, a record label, spending money on making music, then letting people listen to it for free on the radio. How dumb would that be? :rolleyes:


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  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:07 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Despite the source of the image being not 100% trusted, this seems to be most accurate sounding rumour. Although I do not think that it will be called iPhone 4S as this will mess with the versioning numbers because the one after the 4S/5 would be 6.

    No it will go from 4S to 5 lol

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  • aliensporebomb
    Jul 21, 02:27 PM
    I swear guys: I'm pretty sure most of the people dropping calls are only dropping calls because of the proximity sensor issues.

    Next time you drop a call, check to see if it says "Call Failure" on the screen. If it doesn't, it's probably the sensor. (I'm talking to a wall, I'm sure�but if one person discovers the real problem, I'll be happy�

    If it does say call failure, take it to Apple and they'll give you a new one. Simple. (:

    More accurately, at least in one case of my own Iphone 4 I ran into a case where my ear or face bumped the mute button (because the sensor thought my face wasn't hear it or the sensor was blocked) which caused the person on the other end to go "hello? hello?" which caused me to go "huh?" and then the person on the other end hung up before I could unmute.

    That happened once.

    I also saw, exactly once what appeared to be the sensor thinking my face was up to the phone when it was not - specifically: dialed a call, phone held at arms' length: screen goes blank instead of staying on, I get voicemail and want to hang up but I have to fiddle with it for the screen to come back on.

    Part of these issues are happening because I'm using a case from my old iPhone that doesn't really fit the phone and I believe it's obscuring the sensor.

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  • sweetpoh
    Mar 17, 05:25 PM
    MacRumours also known as the moral police! lmao Cracks me up especially after all the post I have read in the past about people receiving extra computers in the mail by accident from apple!!! And if I was a troll and made this whole thing up completely, I have succeeded for sure, for laughing at all of the post in this stupid thread it has ruffled some nerves of the people at home wishing they had an Ipad, insted of posting from their Acer Netbook. This place is a joke

    You think Best Buy has screwed you in the past? What about UCF? They let you graduate with such fine writing skills. LOL.

    Apr 25, 02:03 PM

    Warning- this is is extremely disturbing, it may bring you to tears.

    After an unidentified transgender woman tried to use the bathroom at a Baltimore McDonald's, two patrons started attacking her in full view of other customers and employees. These employees can be heard on the video shouting words of encouragement to the attackers. It's time we DEMAND that justice be served and that EVERY McDonald's employee involved in this brutal hate crime be held accountable.

    The April 18 assault took place at a McDonald’s location in the 6300 block of Kenwood Avenue in Rosedale, Maryland, a Baltimore suburb, according to the Baltimore County Police Department. A 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile in connection with the assault, charges are still pending against an 18-year-old woman. “The incident remains under investigation and the State’s Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case,” added investigators.

    Not surprisingly, McDonald's lacks standard policies for protecting transgender individuals, despite a decent record of workplace discrimination protections for gays and lesbians. And while the company has pledged to “take appropriate action” against all employees involved in this heinous event, just one has been punished.

    I don't usually post petitions, but this scared the hell out of me.

    Apr 15, 08:59 PM
    and FAIL.

    iphone needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    ipad needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    apple do stuff well and make good products because that's what the heck they frickin do!

    they dont need anything to prod them on but their own imagination. companies that innovate by imitation because they got caught with their pants down arent about better products for end users. that's why their stuff sucked in the first place.

    I have to disagree a bit. Competition drives innovation, even at Apple. They are great at creating new products....but they need a little prod now and again. We would have continued to get incremental updates like the 3GS (where a compass was touted as a major new feature) if the Android didn't close the gap. The result, an iPhone 4 that was a major leap.

    We all accept paying $150 for a Nano when Sansa was selling high quality MP3 players at a third of that 5 years ago.

    Competition is good for the consumer. It results in innovation and downward pressure on prices.

    Oct 3, 07:46 AM
    More people have heard of the 'DeCSS' programs, but, again, how many have actually used them? I'd say less than 1% of the computer-using public. And most of these people, like me, would only use it to exercise 'fair use' rights (i.e. I'm going on a plane trip, and I rip a DVD I own to my HD to save battery power, then I delete the files after watching it).

    You'll be surprised at the number of people who use VLC, as it's an excellent DVD player that usually has some advantages over {Whatever DVD player came with your computer}, notably that you don't always get {Whatever DVD player came with your computer} to begin with, it's free, it works, it's reliable, and if you have a good DVD drive, it's multi-region.

    VLC uses various libraries that were derived from DeCSS.

    I wonder how many people would suddenly notice the DMCA if we started seeing thousands of people arrested and thrown in jail, as is theoretically possible, because they downloaded and used an unauthorized DVD player, like one of the Free Software programs such as VLC, to watch DVDs they own?

    May 4, 03:27 PM
    The hypocrisy from those of you on the left on this issue is pretty clear. If this was the GLBTA trying to pass a similar law regarding homosexuality, etc. you'd have no problem with it.

    Because being a homosexual is just like owning a gun. They're both choices. :rolleyes:

    Aug 14, 01:29 PM
    the world sucks


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