I know Halloween was like soo last week, but Ferocia and I have been super busy with our Glamazon Takeover (more on that later) and I've been chained to my desk sending the magazine I work at to print (as everyone in publishing knows, 'closing time' is not for the faint of heart. You essentially live, sleep and eat in the office as long as it takes to put the issue to bed!).
Still, Halloween is alwaaays a blast in the city thanks to the popular parade in the Village where you might see a Golden shower (a man dressed in a gold unitard), a literal pothead (pot of flowers as a hat), Antoine Dodson (who went around saying 'Obviously there's a rapist in...') and Prince & Janelle Monae (because duh, they're going on tour together!).
I was at the Parade bent over in hysteria over most of these costumes, and I hit a few Halloween parties as well. And yes, I wore two costumes (naturally, since there were two days to party this year since Halloween fell on a Sunday).
On Saturday, I attended the annual, famed Monster's Ball party thrown by Brooklyn Circus (and the requisite house party after) as Willow Smith. Check out my costume below:
And Sunday, I hit the village parade as a racecar driver yet everyone called me Rihanna from the 'Shut up and Drive' video. Sigh.
While dining at Prana Restaurant, a superswank, fab eatery/club in the city you must hit, I met Tiger Woods who had a broken golf club, a black eye and a packet of condoms. Yea, I couldn't make this up.
You guys seemed to have as much fun as I did as tons of you sent in pictures of your Halloween costumes to:
Thanks for sending! We weren't completely honest with you; we were totally hosting a Glamazon Halloween competition!
And we chose a favorite. The adorable Christina Ford who went as Janelle Monae, one of our favorite Glamazons. How cute is she? For being so glam, Christina is getting a box full of Glamazon-approved beauty products.
Honorable mention goes to Anaijia Wilder, makeup artist and musician who wore a gorgeous East Indian-inspired costume with an equally beautiful makeup look.
Looove it! Who were you for Halloween? What do you think of our costumes, especially the Willow Smith look I warned you about? Discuss.
Labels: Antoine Dodson, Halloween, Halloween 2010, Halloween costumes, Halloween makeup looks, Janelle Monae, Prince, Prince and Janelle Monae on Tour, Rihanna, Tiger Woods, Willow Smith