Friday, September 10, 2010

Call the Glambulance: Gabourey Sidibe's Hair on the Cover of ELLE Magazine

I am speechless as to why someone would throw a horrid wig on this poor talented girl. So unknowing, so innocent, Gabourey Sidibe was made to look a boiling mess on the cover of Elle Magazine's 25th Anniversary issue.

This wig looks like a brillo pad, like they literally mopped the floor and makeup counter with it then plopped it on our head.

Eek. As dry and rigid as the desert. Try running your fingers through it and I guarantee you'd come out with cuts on your hand.

She is a beautiful, young lady. This is offensive.

Somehow, they got it together for the other covers, featuring Amanda Seyfried, Meghan Fox and Lauren Conrad.  An apology is in order.

Don't you agree? (P.S. I've been on a million sets and at any given time, there are 15 people offering their opinion without being asked. There wasn't one person on set who spoke up about that billowing disaster on "Gabby's" head? Even when retouching, which they have an affinity for at Elle, they didn't notice how bad her hair looked? Confusing...)




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