Tuesday, May 4, 2010

VIDEO GLAM: Beyonce as Daisy Duke in "Why Don't You Love Me?"

Don't call it a comeback, because she never left. Beyonce is back from her "break" with another video for the bonus track on her I Am...Sasha Fierce album, "Why Don't You Love Me?"

Written by sister, Solange, "Why Don't You Love Me?" is another anthem for the under-appreciated woman whose man is overdue for a curse out and break-up. 

The video, directed by Melina, is innovative and refreshing. Bey channels Hollywood sirens like Daisy Duke while burning food, fixing the car and dusting off her Grammys---all to be treated unkindly by her no-good man. 

Bey's association with these screen legends isn't merely innovative, but it also facilitates her never-ending quest to become an icon. And it seems she's been taking acting classes. That or the running makeup and martini glass really help set the atmosphere. She is brilliant at the ditzy Stepford wife role though. Check out the vid below:

"Why Don't You Love Me" - Beyoncé from Beyoncé on Vimeo.

Speaking of wife, it's rumored that Bey got a Brooklyn tattoo. I personally LOVE Brooklyn so I'm not mad at it. And I mean, her husband's from there. If he put a ring on it, represent any way you'd like.

What do you guys think of the video? And the tattoo? Is the "break" ever gonna happen? Do you want it to?





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