Monday, May 3, 2010

Thought For The Day..

A farmer clears and levels the land, removes the stones and thorns, ploughs and prepares the field, manures and nourishes the soil, waters and applies fertilizers on it. Then he sows the seeds and transplants the saplings. This is followed by the process of weeding and spraying of pesticides. Finally, after a long wait, he reaps the harvest. Once the crop is harvested, he then winnows it, threshes it and finally stacks the produce. All these various processes are for the sake of feeding the stomach. So too, one must feel that hunger, thirst, joy and sorrow, grief and loss, suffering and anger, food and appetite are but impulses that impel us towards attaining the Presence of the Lord. If you have this attitude, no sin will ever tarnish your actions. Over time, these impulses too will vanish, without a trace.You should not be enticed by the wiles of bad feelings! You should see your own faults and not repeat them. You should guard and protect the one-pointedness, with your eyes fixed on the goal, and dismiss as trash whatever difficulties, defeats and disturbances you may encounter on your path. Living a regulated and disciplined life is very essential. Real education must train you to observe these limits and restrictions. You take great pains and suffer privations in order to master the knowledge of this world. Similarly, you follow with strict care the routine to develop your physique. Therefore, whatever be your objective, you must obey the appropriate code of discipline.


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