20 ways to affair-proof your marriage
ou think you've found the perfect person to have a relationship with. Everything he/she does is so touching, especially in the initial stages of the relationship. He/She is so thoughtful, and goes out of the way to ensure that all of your needs are met. There are red flags, tiny ones... but you choose to ignore them, thinking that these are merely your imagination. (ie: the glare you receive when you smile at a waiter... is just one example). Fighting With My Husband: How Do You Fight Fair?
There are three basic reasons why men are unfaithful:
They are not comfortable sharing their fantasies with you for fear of rejection. They are not getting their emotional needs met and need someone to talk to who will not judge them or make them feel bad.
They are not getting enough sex or sexual variety with you.
In order to stop your man from straying, he must feel good about himself when he is with you. He must also feel that he has all the variety he needs to keep him happy with you.
Here are 20 steps to ensure that your man will stay true to you: