Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lotus Notes

CLP Fast Track:Lotus Notes®/Domino™ 5 System Administration0735708789Tony Aveyard, Karen Fishwick, Jay Forlini, & Karl WabstCopyright 2000 by New Riders PublishingWarning and Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and accurate aspossible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information is provided on an as-is basis. The authorsand New Riders Publishing shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity withrespect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book or from the use of thediscs or programs that may accompany it.Misprint CorrectionAbout the Authors, under Tony AveyardIn real life he works for Entex in Mason, Ohio, as aSenior Intranet/Internet System Engineer, but hissecret ambition in life is to be a full-time fictionwriter.In real life he is a Consultant for marchFIRST inCincinnati, Ohio, but his secret ambition in life is tobe a full-time fiction writer.Page 10, First full paragraph, Second sentenceAs an administer, you will be required to perform...As an administrator, you will be required toperform...Page 14, Step 2,Ensure that the source server (or another server thatreplicates with the source server and has a replica ofthe database) has Create Replica access in ACL ofthe destination server.Ensure that the source server (or another server thatreplicates with the source server and has a replica ofthe database) has Create Replica access in theServer document of the destination server.Page 17, Step 5,Select the database icon.Select the database from the Files tab.Page 26,The bullet point at the top of the page, which reads"Create a full-text index now or at a later date."Remove this bullet point.Page 87, Second paragraph, first sentence,Domino uses the replication history to determine inwhich documents to scan for changes during thenext replication.Domino uses the replication history to determinewhich documents to scan for changes during thenext replication.Page 87, Fifth paragraph, third sentence,Domino scans each document created or modifiedsince the data specified in the Only ReplicateIncoming Documents Saved …..Domino scans each document created or modifiedsince the date specified in the Only ReplicateIncoming Documents Saved ….Page 88, Step 6,Click Create a New Notification Profilefor This Event.Click Create a New Notification Profilefor This Event and complete the wizard.Page 90 Last paragraph under the "Using the ServerConsole" Heading,For example, to send changes to the databasePRODUCTS.NSF from the serverServer1/East/Acme to the server Web/East/Acme,enter the following command from the console onServer1/E/East/Acme:For example, to send changes to the databasePRODUCTS.NSF from the serverServer1/East/Acme to the server Web/East/Acme,enter the following command from the console onServer1/East/Acme:Page 91, (c) Head,Replicating Design ChangesPropagating Design ChangesPage 93, First paragraph, last sentence,The following sections will outline the basic causesThe following sections outline the basic causes andresolutions for these conflicts, as well as some tipsand resolutions for these conflicts, as well as somepreventative help prevent conflicts from happening in thefirst place.Page 98, (d) Head,Read ACLs or Reader Names FieldsRead ACLs or Readers FieldsPage 99, First sentence under (c) Head,When deleted documents reappear in another replicacopy of a database, typically the problem is either apurge interval prevents replication of deletions or adocument edit writes over a documentdeletion.When deleted documents reappear in another replicacopy of a database, typically the problem is either apurge interval preventing replication of deletions ora document edit writing over a documentdeletion.Page 103, Step 1,Make sure that you set up mail monitoring.Make sure that you have set up mail tracking.Page 108, Step 3,Make sure that the names of the server, domain, andNotes named network are spelled correctly.Make sure that the names of the server, domain, andDomino named network are spelled correctly.Page 201, Last paragraphIt was saved on your server as CERT.ID in the datadirectory of your server.It was saved on the hard drive of your server asCERT.ID in the data directory(e:\lotus\domain\data).Page 202, First paragraphThe USER.ID is stored in the directory until theclient is installed and configured.The USER.ID is stored in the Domino directory(NAMES.NSF) until the client is installed andconfigured.Page 203, First paragraph, last lineThen, click OK.Then, click OK. You may also need to change theAccess Control List of the file so that fellowadministrators are able to register users as well.Page 208, Third paragraph, first lineNetwork name does not have some significance as itrelates to mail routing.Network name does not have some significance as itrelates to mail routing and the client machines.Page 211, First paragraph, last lineSelecting Local while using your personal clientwill cause the file to be created on your machine.Selecting Local while using your personal clientwill cause the file to be created in your machine inyour personal address book.Page 217, ID RecoveryTo use this feature, you must have set up a mail-inso that you can capture the Ids as they are created.To use this feature, you must have set up a mail-indatabase so that you can capture the Ids as they arecreated.Page 242, Second paragraph, second sentenceIf you want to add a modem, for instance, youwould go to the File, Preferences, User Preferences,Ports.If you want to add a modem, for instance, youwould select File, Preferences, User Preferences,Ports.Page 250, First paragraph, last lineNamed networks are defined as two or more serversthat share the same protocol and network.Domino Named Networks are defined as two ormore servers that share the same protocol andnetwork.Page 263, Second paragraphIdeally, this server will also provide Passthruconnectivity to all other servers the user wouldneed.Ideally, the Passthru server will also providePassthru connectivity to all other servers the userwould need.Page 311, Last bullet on page• Using Author Access in the ACL and an authorName field on the documents.• Using Author Access in the ACL and an authorName field on the documents. If the user islisted in an Author Name field, he can makechanges to the document.Page 322, first bullet, last sentenceIf an ID is lost and you issue a new one, the old IDwill have a different public key.If an ID is lost and you issue a new one, the old IDcannot be used because it will have a differentpublic key.Page 341, First paragraphA sample of this dialog box is shown in Figure 12.3.A sample of this dialog box is shown in Figure 12.3.All users who will edit the document must be ableto link to the original file (such as with a mappeddrive).Page 360, Last sentence, bottom of pageNotice in Figure 13.5, you must sort to be able toNotice in Figure 13.5, you must enable sorting to beable to categorize.categorize.Page 363, Third paragraph, second sentenceJust like with a mail file, a form must be present toview the documents.Just like with a file, a form must be present in thedestination database to open the documents.This errata sheet is intended to provide updated technical information.Spelling and grammar misprints are updated during the reprint process,but are not listed on this errata sheet.


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