But makeup artist Bobbi Brown takes the cake as one of my most favorite artists. She's frank and to the point (without being rude) and the lady knows her makeup! The best part about her? She's real. The first time I met her was backstage at the Tory Burch presentation about two years ago. I was towering over her in my 6 inch heels and trying hard not to think about the pain running through my spine as I took notes on the looks she was creating. I remember that she laughed at me (clearly it was obvious that I was very uncomfortable) and said she liked my shoes, but didn't know how I was doing it. I looked down and she wasn't even wearing any! She laughed and said that she used to be like me, but has been working too long (and too hard) to even have to worry about being cute anymore. I laughed too and was immediately inspired by her practicality. From then on, I've only worn cute flats or low heels while covering backstage beauty during Fashion Week; and I've been in love with Bobbi (and her products) ever since.
So, it's no surprise to see that Bobbi is making her products more accessible than ever through the launch of two new contests: Pretty Powerful Tuesdays and Pretty Powerful Video Contest. Here's how they work:
Pretty Powerful Tuesdays
Starting on January 26th, tweet @AskBobbiBrown every Tuesday with #PrettyPowerful to be entered to win one of four Bobbi gift sets each week. Please see below for additional details—official rules can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/PPRules.
Pretty Powerful Video Contest
For all contest rules and details click here.
Good luck to all who enter!