Oh MY! only 10 weeks to go?? WOW- all has really flown by- we have our crib, we need to pick up our car seat and pack-n-play, and some diapers- and we are good to go! right......????

How far along? 30 weeks
Body Changes? belly is growing, back is hurting, and I am pretty sure CJ thinks it's fun to kick me in the bladder
Sleep: actually getting use to getting up in the night- I guess this is how your body starts preparing you for those middle of the night feedings. Also- CJ must be a night time party animal- just because the sun goes down- doesn't mean the party stops for him! I actually had a muscle twitch in my knee one night- and woke up thinking CJ had somehow moved down my leg! haha- don't laugh at me...too hard-
Best moment this week: We have had a lot of good moments lately- our crib arrived! Cody took me on a romantic date to the Melting Pot- we went ring side at the Texas Stars hockey game- so fun! Our closing date is set- things have been good.
Gender: BOY
Food Cravings: still no "real" cravings- I am surprised- but I really don't have anything to report here.
What I miss: shaving my legs- well I don't really "miss" it- but it would be nice if I could get someone to do it for me-
Symptoms: pee- I can stand up from peeing and feel like I need to sit right back down-
What I am looking forward to: moving, sleeping in, going to visit my friend Allyson and her new baby Jack! and maybe a pedicure this weekend.
Milestones: my appointments have gone from once a month- to 3 weeks- and now we go to every 2 weeks- then down to once a week until he gets here! 30 weeks down- only 70 days to go!
*and a BIG congrats to a tiny pumpkin- hehe!* (yes- that's a secret code- I'll have to fill you in on a later date)
Labels: baby weeks