Monday, March 28, 2011

The Watch week 3/14- 3/25

oh no- it's Spring Break. St. Patty's Day. SWXW. and The Bachelor Finale- all in one week- bring it on!

*actually I got my weeks all messed up and mumbo- jumbo so- this is just a smush of 2 weeks together-

Monday- Body Attack- had a sub instructor today and LOVED it! It's crazy how something as simple as a new instructor can change the whole class. He was a ton of fun- and helped me burn 299 calories.

Tuesday- Body Pump- Pump you Up! 148 calories burned in class. and then an additional 100 laughing at these two-

Wednesday- step class- even with a cold- just push on through-425 calories coughed out-
Thursday- Body Combat- haven't been to this class in the past 2 weeks and it's one of my favorites- I am sure I will be sore. But it's all worth it- all 418 calories.
Friday- pretty sure you all saw my post about topless workouts- if not check it here.
Saturday- I didn't go to the gym- but we did go see my mom's play- and although the rest of my household got to actually watch the play- I chased a little toddler upandown- upanddown- upanddown- the stairs only about 1 bazillion times- so that should count for something, no?

TOTAL: 1290 (and really that's pretty low if I am considering that this was over two weeks- but really we should just consider this an average of each week over the past 2 weeks- umkay.)


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